When Is Best To Have Your Wedding Ceremony?

When you are looking for the best wedding car Salford has to offer then you need to think about the best times for your pick up and drop off.

Traditionally in this country weddings tend to be around lunch time with a short reception afterwards. However, as wedding parties got bigger and longer, and other cultures increasingly influence a couple’s wedding day choices, the best time to get married has become a point of some debate.


Many other countries, particularly the US, have evening wedding ceremonies to allow guests to have their evening meal at a relatively normal time with dancing and music afterwards. This is a great idea if you want the fun and drinking of a larger wedding without all of the waiting around. Do check however, that your registrar or celebrant is happy to perform a ceremony this late in the day as many are not.


Another great option for those planning on an evening sit down meal, rather than the traditional wedding breakfast taking place mid-afternoon. These weddings are great if you have much to prepare in the morning,  and they are also good for guests with young children who will not become over tired or hungry!

Morning or midday

The traditional wedding ceremony time is good if you want to leave early on a honeymoon, or just want an all day event so you can fit everything in.

Read more about the best time to have a wedding ceremony on the wedding ideas website.

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